Friday, February 27, 2009

How the other 2% live...

Gapetto went to his 25 year college reunion last summer and met up 
with many of his old fraternity brothers. Not only did he have a 
fabulous time - he also made a lot of great business connections. 
We have gotten a fair amount of work from that little walk down 
memory lane.


This past Saturday his (and now my) fabulous friend and client J along with his business partner Ms. Brit flew us up to NYC to see a Nicks game! Seriously. Gapetto and I are not exactly what you would call sports fans but who doesn't want to say they saw the Knicks in Madison Square Garden? Far be it from me to refuse an offer like that.

But then.

In order to save the aforementioned friends/clients some money we took a flight with one connection to New York - weather looked good here in the Deep South and in NYC. Oops! Forgot to check the weather in Milwaukee...

We left ATL airport at noon. Mid-flight we were informed of a fairly formidable storm raging over Milwaukee so we went to South Bend - home of the Fighting Irish (I'm getting my game on now). We buzzed Notre Dame campus, landed and were taken to a giant room with vending machines and bathrooms and were held hostage for two and a half hours. Because we weren't ticketed to be in South Bend there was no going out into the airport proper. Not that there was much there I expect as the whole operation looked pretty small.

We then boarded (outside walk to plane in sideways wind) and we waited. On to the blizzard! As we approached Milwaukee we went into a figure 8 holding pattern. Turns out they were closing the airport every hour or so to plow the runways. As we landed we were told that we were the last plane allowed to land as the airport closed again. Overnight in Milwaukee anyone???

But. They found us a connecting flight to NJ and told us to RUN! So we did. And those midwest airport folks can sure check out a license. I ran ahead as they stripped searched Gapetto only to see the flight gone from the board at the gate. Nice lady told me it just fell off the board! The flight that we were to take couldn't land in Milwaukee cause we were the last flight in. Anyway we finally took off after waiting for runways and airports and de-icing and rerouting and waiting for runways and de-icing and rerouting and ...

We took the train into the city and walked to our friends L&M's fabulous Chelsea loft. It was ten to midnight. I drank an orange juice and went to bed. Big night in the city.

Next morning we took a train to West Port CT to spend some time with J and family. What a gorgeous town. I was drooling every where I went. Did I mention I am a house freak? That I would own 697 of them if I could? Their house was way cool and comfortable and big. We had a lovely time.

Next day back to the city to meet clients for happy hour and off to the Knicks. Game was lame until we left - then it became a squeaker. Watched the rest back at L&M's swank loft. It was so nice to spend an evening with them.

Next morning back home.

Day after that -  crabby - and I mean CRABBY! And I realized that I had completely lost my equilibrium.

I was traveling all over and visiting People-With-Money and I got all mixed up. We (like most) are struggling some. But I have a feeling it wouldn't really matter what we made it would never be quite be enough. (Not so good in the $ department- wrong side of brain)

I had to have a serious talk with myself. I have enough - I have a husband I love and children I am proud of - not to mention absolutely crazy about. Our house is adorable. Life is rich and there is abundance all around me - not money - but important kinds of abundance like love and respect and friends and networks and...

Not everyone gets to be a jet setter and as it turns out living like one for a few days made me REALLY tired.

I had to take to the bay-yud.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Letter Dated July 15, 1999

Dear Merrily,

We were all thankful and delighted that my note reached you.
Thank you for responding so promptly. It took Bryan a couple
of days, trying to make his letter 'perfect', but he decided to
mail it today (anyway). I think it's a perfect letter, and I hope
you will too. I have a million questions, and suppose you do
too, but I will take a back seat for awhile, and let you and
Bryan begin this. If you do want or need something from me,
do not hesitate, because I am here.

I would like to tell you that you have been in our hearts and
prayers all these years, with special thoughts of love and thanks
from me to you each April 1st. This does not mean that Mr. D
[Bryan's A-dad] has not felt the same, but I will let him speak
for himself when the time is right.



To view letter Bryan sent and his picture click here.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

The Perfect Storm

I have been conspicuously absent from blogland (as I am sure you all 
have noticed - um, right?).

It was the perfect storm. 

If you saw the movie (or read the book) you know it took three 
perfectly timed weather fronts to create the storm of the century.

And so it was with me.

Number 1

After my last post about my Uncle Tom my older sister who I love 
and respect emailed me about my biting references about our 
mother in many of my blogs. I listened to her, thought about it 
for awhile and decided that she was on to something.

As I read her email I had that hot-faced embarrassment I remember 
from grade school when I got called out in front of the class for 
something or caught red-handed in high school doing something I 
knew my parents didn't approve of.

My mother is alive but suffers from Alzheimers. My sister wondered 
if she didn't have it if I would say things about her like I do. 

I decided to edit the post.

Now, several weeks later I don't know exactly how I will treat 
the subject of my mother's place in my history but I definitely will 
not notify my family when I post about family memories if there is 
anything untoward about her in it.

Number 2

I developed The Sinus Infection From Hell. My teeth hurt for 
godssakes! It was akin to the lingering feeling after my braces 
were tightened in 7th grade. It took some serious antibiotics 
and sleep to knock that sucker out.

Number 3

My computer up and died.
''When Computers Go Bad' - More at 11:00'

I had no computer, no email, no email addresses, no current work
files. NOTHING!

I am getting a fancy Mac Book Pro which will be nice but frankly 
I'd rather buy groceries. For me spending money on computer 
equipment is like buying new tires or a new roof - you are just 
supposed to have those things - having them new doesn't float 
my boat. Now a new car OVER the tires or a new house UNDER the 
roof - THAT I would like.

So I am back, a little worse for the wear but here. I have a lot of 
catch up reading and responding to do. And oh yeah, some work too!

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When irish eyes are smiling...

Laura, my girl over at Are we there yet mummy tagged me to do 
the photo blogstep challenge.

The rules are: go the the 4th folder on your computer where 
you store your pics and pick the 4th photo in it; explain the 
picture and tag 4 others.

Unfortunate arrangement of photos wouldn't you say? As my 
brother R would have said at the time 'what a skag!' I really don't 
know what that EXACTLY meant but it had something to do with 
being unattractive. I have clearly not grown into my teeth yet and 
am long and gangly - I shot up in height very quickly.

This is me at the ripe old age of 9 with my very most favorite uncle 
when I was young - Uncle Tom. He and his wife, my favorite Aunt 
Louise could not have children so they adopted - 2 boys. Aunt Louise 
and my mother are sisters and were very close. They lived a state 
away which seemed very far at the time. We are at a lake 
cabin on vacation in this photo.

Uncle Tom was famous for making us laugh. He would sit you on 
his lap - have you look into his ridiculously mischievous Irish eyes 
and dare you not to laugh before his finger touched your nose. 

Nobody could ever do it.

He and Aunt Louise were so in love - they were my role models 
for marriage and for life. 

They delighted in each others company. 

They would hold hands when they walked. 

They both had a joie de vivre.

Uncle Tom had a stroke at 42 that he survived long before this 
photo was taken. His face was just a little bit lopsided and he 
couldn't play the piano anymore but he really made a miraculous 
recovery. And he lived life as though each day was his last.

He made me feel beautiful.

When he died years later I wrote Aunt Louise of my admiration of 
their marriage. She told my mom I wrote her a beautiful letter. 
When my mother asked her what it said she wouldn't tell her. 
I love her even more for that.

She thought every day with Uncle Tom was a gift. And she thanked God that she had him as long as she did.

Here is to the amazing people who shape our lives - in a good way.
Now go out and enjoy the day.

I tag:

Jax over at Student_Kiwi_Nurse - she just did her first post -
go visit her and say hi

My cous over at Undercover Caterer

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Take another little piece of my heart

The Dolly Llama, Bryan and the Bunny Rabbit.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

What is going on here?

This is a photo that LeendaLuu did not post in her blog about our
blog-buddy-hootenanny [we say that all the time down here too]. 

And this is the fabulous outdoor chaise that I have apparently soiled.

And I remember that lunch being so good...