I have received my first meme from Laura over
This is Laura
I don't know whether to thank her or kill her
but I love that girl and her blog. She makes me
laugh and laugh and laugh.
7 Things You Don't Know About Me
1. I am fascinated by disgusting things like
footage of facelifts with that little exploration
light way down under the peeled back face,
popping zits, peeling my dad’s sunburned head
when I was a little girl, watching true ER stories
like the guy with the 12 inch blade in his head,
infections, fiction about serial killers...
Hello! Are you still there???
2. In second grade I wanted to be a nun –
3. I have run a marathon distance (26.2 miles)
a total of 3 times. Two times in the New York City
4. When I was in 11th grade I decided to tell
my rather devout Catholic parental units that
I didn’t believe in God. Which I was considering
but I mostly wanted to go to an athletic event
that my boyfriend was in rather than a church thing.
5. I played softball from the time I was 7 until
I became pregnant with twins and I STILL suck.

6. Dude – like I started partying in like 8th grade
(smoking cigarettes and weed and drinking)
and like, if there is any justice in this world like
I am sooooo gonna pay for that…
7. I have been skydiving three times. All of
them tandem free falling which means there
was a man strapped tightly to my back – a Dive
Master. When asked about how that was I
replied ‘He could have been effing me up the
arse and I wouldn’t have noticed’ -
onnacounta it was so exciting –
the free falling that is…
I don't know who these 2 are but if THAT guy had
been my dive master I, um, would've noticed if he'd,
um, done that other thing, 'cuz like, he rocks...
And that girl? If she didn't pee in that suit then
surely she went Number 2. Could she possibly look
more terrified?
There you are, 7 things you didn't know about me.
Next, the rules of the meme:
1 - You link back to the person who tagged you
(me). For me, it was Laura.
2 - You get to “tag” 7 people (or less if you’d like)
and link them on your blog, as I do (below).
3 - Be sure to comment on the blogs of others who
were tagged. [Oops Laura I haven't done that yet!]
Here are my tags (apologies if you have already
done this or don't want to do this!) ....
Labels: disgusting things, marathon, meme, party girl, skydiving